Kugimoto Bunridou, K.K.

Creating Smiles for the Children of the Future

Business content

Construction, Architecture

Office furniture

Educational material

Office cleaning business

AED medical devices

Audiovisual equipment

Pest control

Company Profile

Company NameKugimoto Bunrido, K.K.
Head office location2-13-2 Kawashimomachi, Iwakuni, Yamaguchi Prefecture, Japan
DUNS number703547596
Capital135K USD
Number of employees31
Annual revenues6,600 million yen (62mUSD)

Business Scope

  • Office design, furniture, shelving solutions for commercial storage and industrial grade warehouse shelving.
  • Hospital cleaning contractor, building environmental hygiene management engineering, pest control, building cleaning management evaluation qualified personnel/first-class building cleaning technician.
  • Supplier of construction wood with reduced contents of formaldehyde and toluene.
  • Iwakuni city designated retailer of educational textbook material and equipment.
  • Sales/rental OA / IT Equipment (PC, AV equipment, printers, phones, web design).

SAM Registered


238990 , 337215 , 423710 , 424120 , 423220 , 423310

423420 , 423490 , 423440 , 453210 , 532420 , 532490 , 561110


  • Educational institution teaching materials (Uchida Yoko Co., Ltd.) number 1 in sales in Japan 2019, number 2 in sales in 2020.
  • We procure everything from equipment to teaching materials for elementary and junior high schools in the city and have a long history of achievements and credibility.
  • Top provider in Yamaguchi Prefecture of education notebooks.

Achievements related to construction:

  • Iwakuni City Hall large hall stage construction, audience chair installation 1200 units (350 mYen).
  • Iwakuni Kintaikyo Airport interior work.
  • Kuga Community Center interior work, Shuto Community Center interior work, Minami Iwakuni “YUME Town” new construction partial work, Iwakuni wholesale market toilet booth construction, Iwakuni Higashi elementary and junior high school new furniture construction (300 million).


Wide experience and expertise in interior construction works and equipment standards.

As a hospital cleaning service provider, we perform coronavirus sterilization/cleaning and have knowledge of poisonous and toxic substances.


  • Construction permit
  • Poisonous and toxic substance handling manager
  • Work control supervisor
  • Building environmental hygiene management engineer
  • Building cleaning management evaluation manager
  • First-class building cleaning technician
  • Hospital cleaning contractor
  • AED dealership
  • Mobile crane, sling, aerial work platform, welding (gas welding/arc welding)
  • Hawk lift, power shovel, class 2 boiler engineer, fire prevention manager


Since 2010, we have been promoting digitalization of children’s education.


If you have any inquiries about our job,
please contact us at the phone number or email below.

Item marked with are required

    Personal information protection policy

    Kugimoto Bunridou, K.K. (hereinafter referred to as "the Company") keeps personal information of customers in accordance with the Act on the Protection of Personal Information. We are deeply aware of the importance of protecting your personal information, and in order to build a relationship of trust with our customers, we will disclose our personal information protection policy here.

    Collection of personal information

    We will properly acquire personal information without any deception or other fraudulent means.

    Use of personal information

    We collect and use personal information only within the scope of the following purposes.

    • Inquiries, confirmations, and opinions gathered from our company to improve services necessary for business execution

    • Responding to various inquiries

    The collection and use of personal information by our company is due to the voluntary provision of the customer, and if the customer provides the personal information, the customer permits us to use the personal information in accordance with this policy.

    Provision of personal information to a third party

    We will not disclose or provide personal information to a third party without the prior consent of the person unless there is a legitimate reason such as when required by law.

    Outsourced supervision

    We may provide a part of personal information to an external contractor in order to carry out business such as providing products and services to customers. In that case, we will manage the outsourced business so that it handles personal information appropriately.

    Disclosure / correction of personal information, etc.

    We will promptly disclose your personal information when requested by you. In addition, if there is an error in the content of personal information and there is a request for correction / addition/deletion from the person himself/herself, we will promptly respond to these requests.

    Use of cookies

    A cookie is information that is sent and stored from a web server to the browser of a site visitor. Cookies can only be read by the web server that sent the information. We may use cookies to improve the accessibility and convenience of our website and collect information such as the browsing status of our website. This data does not identify or track individual site visitors.

    Third-party companies may acquire and use cookie information by linking with services of third-party companies or installing tags on our website. The cookie information acquired in that case is stored not on our server but on the server of the third-party company, and is managed in accordance with the personal information protection policy of each third-party company.

    Changes in personal information protection policy

    We may change this privacy policy as necessary. If there is a change, we will notify and announce it to the user by the method prescribed by our company.

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    Contact us : Kugimoto Bunridou, K.K.
    Tel: 090-4899-0449

    Managing director: Kenji Kugimoto

    URL: https://wacom-japan.com/kugimoto (EN)

    URL: http://www.kk-kugimoto.co.jp (JA)

    Mail: kugimoto@wacom-japan.com